“ever-widening circles” – Rilke

Inspired by 지민

higher than the sky strangers

worlds apart, working on our art

ripples move outward, crisscrossing

your artistry, smiles, emotion,

dedication challenges me

maybe my covid-fueled

“mild-midlife crisis”

fandom can trickle

down into new fuel

for motherhood

for wifedom

and for my purple-tinged,



~A.M Pine 💜🌲💜

October In Review 🍂🌾🍁🎃🖤✨ ~ whole person work check-in

Happy chaos ✨♥️ and Happy November to you!

{previous whole person work check-ins}

Lord, it is time. The summer was so great.

Impose upon the sundials now your shadows

and round the meadows let the winds rotate.

Rainer Maria Rilke


I’ve been plugging away at my devotionals, Bible, reading, and journaling. I’ve really tried to concentrate and put a little more focus into it as I had gotten so distracted this summer during my meditation time. I’ve also noticed I’ve really enjoyed taking notes at church, helping me to concentrate. There’s so many things the Lord has been showing me, He is SO faithful! I’m excited about Advent readings soon.


I’m back in my food program called Bright Line Eating. It has been a bit bumpy, but October was the best so far! I’ve been texting a friend for accountability and that’s really helped. Writing my food down for each day helps with not making bad, emotional decisions. I’ve gone back to Instagram after a 10 month break for the purpose of using it as an encouragement to others, but also to keep myself accountable in many areas. I will watch carefully my usage. I’ve been re-listening to Rezoom by Susan Peirce Thompson and it’s been to good to refresh myself. I have to be purposeful about my health, so I can be of service to others.

My son took this picture! ♥️✨🍁🍂


I’m challenging myself to read a little deeper and I have some great buddy reads lined up in November. Dombey & Son, The Makioka Sisters, Countess Kate by Charlotte Mary Yonge, and Julie by Catherine Marshall. Nourishing food for my brain instead of “candy”. I’ve been reading more poetry, especially Emily Bronte, Rilke, and Sara Teasdale. I’m trying to write more poetry too, as a healthy, healing way to work through emotions and feelings (instead of eating and binging on media). I’m thinking on the tagline, “rage and grace”, that I saw on the artist RM’s Instagram a few days ago.


This ties into the mental category too, while in reality, all of this is in relationship together, but I’ve been journaling, writing penpals, taking nature photos, and dipping into seasonal books. Taking drives in nature (the leaves!!!!) and keeping track of the moon phases has been a relaxing and enjoyable experience lately. God’s creation is a gift given for the taking if I just open my eyes and heart and RECEIVE. ♥️✨


Our homeschool activities are in full swing and it’s been good and stretching for me to give! 😬🥱😂 We’ve been getting back into better daily rhythms and I’m continually learning that servanthood can mean something as simple as shutting my mouth and listening. 😶🤐😂♥️

First snow, leaves in glass ✨🍁🍂♥️

Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied.

from The Beatitudes, Jesus

Light ✨

How about you? How are you doing? I’d love to chat in comments or drop me an email! 🌾🎃♥️🍄✨🍁🖤🍂💌📚 Blessings over your new November month ahead!

🍁🍃Ode to September🍃🍂 whole person work check-in, book chat, and more

There is just something about September🌾🍂🍁 that has gotten under my skin and deep down into my soul. The golden tinge, the lazy, drift-y woodsmoke through the warm sun’s slant, the cool, autumn-touched mornings, and the swirl of leaves 🍂 behind my van as I go a toolin’ down the road. Sigh. I declare September as my ‘new year’, the sitting among fluttering Queen Anne’s Lace with the Chicory and Golden Rod as my only resolution. Oh, glorious September, don’t go with your woody smell of freshly sharpened pencils, favorite cardigans pulled out, and bold Zinnias flaring out of gardens. The cicadas screaming buzz, green speckled grasshoppers, and that deep, dark secretive cricket singing from behind the refrigerator. There is an end of summertime, early autumn 🍂 rustle and crunch to everything, cornstalks, leaves, and a rattle and roll to the landscape. It is SO unbelievably beautiful and I’m thankful for new seasons and new, fresh beginnings.

Never put the key to your Happiness in somebody else’s pocket.

Tom Ziegler

{Previous Whole Person Work Posts}


I’m really trying to get into focused prayer and devotions. I have a well established devotional time, but it has been very distracted and disjointed. I’m loving the second half of Ezekiel! It’s an intense book, but oh, there’s some richness and encouragement, too.

Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! Thus says the LORD GOD to these bones: “ Surely I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live.

Ezekiel 37:4-5, NKJV
I bought this charming pumpkin, her name is Hazel. 😅♥️🕸️🕷️🎃


I’ve really struggled and I know it’s because my good habits were not well established again after letting them fall by the wayside. Homeschooling began and it has been a battle for me in getting enough well, everything. 😕😔 Sleep, water, walks, and healthy, nourishing meals. Pray for me to slowly integrate these back in as our homeschool days are evening out now.


Honestly, with school beginning, I’ve felt myself feeling “crazy” and even though homeschooling is going well, it’s just that added “on- ness” that I know contributes. We have extra outside obligations, also, and I know that adds to this feeling. I’m recognizing I need to adjust some of my summer habits and be very choosy about what I’m giving mental space to and also remembering to judge my feelings by Truth. Taking my thoughts captive! My sister sent me this quote to think on:

The wonderful thing about praying is that you leave a world of not be able to do something, and enter God’s realm where everything is possible. He specializes in the impossible. Nothing is too great for His Almighty Power. Nothing is too small for His love.

Corrie ten Boom


I’ve been *trying* to turn off social media (curse you, Booktube- jk, jk! ) and actually use my hands to make bouquets, write penpals, and lately, create altered composition notebooks. Creating with my hands always helps encourage and calm my emotions. We took a little ‘Tookish’ adventure the other day to a cemetery with gorgeous leaves and had a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie 🍪 snack there, yes, I know that’s sort of weird , but we loved reading the history of people’s lives on the headstones 🪦 and enjoying the autumn atmosphere. We then visited a new-to-us public library and it was fun setting aside my Baggins habits of wanting to hide in my house all the time. 😉😏

Half of a .69 cent composition notebook 📓collaged into a gratitude journal! 😍
Another half a composition notebook collaged into an Inspiration notebook! Much easier to cut them this way in half than the other way. My hubby says he’ll help me with a saw next time! 😂 I may do some of these as Christmas gifts. Used Modge Podge over and under it all! So fun and relaxing!

Servanthood: thinking 🤔 on this quote! 😨♥️🙏

Nothing disciplines the inordinate desires of the flesh like service, and transforms the desires of the flesh like serving in hiddenness. The flesh whines against service but screams against hidden service. It strains and pulls for honor and recognition. It will devise subtle, religiously acceptable means to call attention to the service rendered. If we stoutly refuse to give in to this lust of the flesh, we crucify it. Every time we crucify the flesh, we crucify our pride and arrogance.

Richard J. Foster, Celebration of Discipline, p. 130

Verse focus:

I will make them and the places around My hill a blessing. And I will cause showers to come down in their season; they will be showers of blessing. Also the tree of the field will yield its fruit and the earth will yield its increase and they will be secure on their land. ♥️

from Ezekiel 34, NASB

Last, but certainly not least, I’ve been so encouraged and enjoying my reading. I finished Volume 1. of Charlotte Mary Yonge’s delightful family saga, The Pillars of the Home, with my favorite online book people, Victorian literature lovers. Victorian literature is fast becoming a favorite genre! We will continue Volume 2 for Victober! I also SO enjoyed Distilled Genius by Susan Branch, a collection of her illustrations and hand lettered quotes. Branch and I differ in some worldview and lifestyle aspects, but overall, I loooved this collection. I’m currently rereading for the third time, her Martha’s Vineyard: Isle of Dreams, one of my favorite memoirs of all time.

How about you? How are you? 🕸️🍪🕷️📓🪦🍁🍃🍂♥️😄☕️📖📚💌📝🖋️❤️‍🩹❣️💕💟 Please chat below, I’d love to catch up!

Wednesday Wonders

There is wonder all around us…

Listening… Risking Enchantment episode on Studio Ghibli themes. ♥️🍃

Reading… I’m loving reading along with the Librivox audio to Jerome K. Jerome’s Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of The Dog) . This is a hilarious Victorian story full of sarcasm and British wit. I’m really enjoying it. I hope to finish it this week so I can attend a Zoom discussion on it.

Watching… I found Half of Carla’s tips here about reducing stress to be helpful!

Noticing…we’ve had a super dry summer, but are having a high humidity wave currently. I love the warmth, but it’s not fun to work in! I’m loving the mixture of yellows and purples on the roadsides. Late summer flowers. ♥️

What are you listening to, reading, watching, and noticing? There is so much wonder! ♥️


🌲whole person work 🌲 check in: second week August 2023

Follow the Amish buggy! ♥️

{previous check-ins and intro to series}

Don’t you feel a tug, a yearning to sink down into the silence and solitude of God? Don’t you long for something more? Doesn’t every breath crave a deeper, fuller exposure to his Presence? It is the Discipline of solitude that will open the door. You are welcome to come in and “listen to God’s speech in his wondrous, terrible, gentle, loving, all-embracing silence.”

Richard J. Foster, Celebration of Discipline, p. 109

Focus Areas:

Spiritual ~ I was a bit sluggish this week about REALLY pressing into my quiet times and calming myself down enough to enter in. We came off a wonderful, but exhausting graduation party for my oldest son and it takes me a long time to recover from events. I kept up with my group reading plan, but didn’t deeply meditate and pray/journal as much as I want to. The end of this week has been better and it feels so good to soak in Matthew among other things. My sister reminded me of Pray As You Go app which helps me focus as I begin my prayer times. ♥️

Favorite breakfast ~ oats, cinnamon, plain yogurt, unsweetened coconut milk, natural peanut butter, and berries ♥️

Physical ~ I honestly struggled a bit with getting in the groove with my food. Just grazing and bingeing, even on “healthy” things. Out of exhaustion or anxiety, finding myself feeling hungry in my MIND not legitimately hungry in my stomach. I found that listening to the audiobook of Rezoom by Susan Peirce Thompson or Half of Carla’s YouTube really helped me calm down a bit. Not making or having unhealthy choices in the house really helps me, too. I did get out on my walks with my audiobook. I’m 56% through Klara & the Sun and 😯 it’s thoroughly intriguing. I bought a new tshirt and struggled with the mental battle about my worth because it was a bigger size. 😞 Just be brutally honest here. I am excited to receive it, though, and support my friend’s creative endeavor .

Mental ~ I had so much fun updating my book journal and purging/ organizing my reading stacks. I decided to focus on one particular stack of things I’m reading with others or have wanted to read for a long time. I gave myself permission to set aside books that were too silly, not grabbing my attention, or just weighing me down. I read a few poem’s every day (Oliver, Wordsworth, and Native Nations poems) and it was so nice. I’m super interested in learning about the “Balkans” area after finishing the historical fiction thriller The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova.

Emotional~ I had some hard relational talks this week that were good. I tend to avoid and stuff down which isn’t healthy. I really tried to keep up on some household rhythms and it’s amazing how much that lifts my mood. Just putting a fresh weed 😄 bouquet on a clean dining room table with tablecloth, washing the dishes after each meal, etc. Being outdoors really helped me! I also did a fun video about my favorite things and I wrote two snail mail letters. I’ve been trying to sleep a little in afternoons lately and it’s SO nice. I did get a little Totoro stamp set and some new, darling stickers which was a blessing. Maybe I’ll show them to you next week. Stationary is the way to my heart! 😂💕

I watched “Heidi” performance with two of my children ♥️🌲
Shakespeare in the Park (Macbeth) with some friends and three of my children ♥️

Servanthood ~ this was tough this week. I think coming off the graduation party made it extra hard. I want to focus more on the little things I can do for those around me and do them well. Not be so distracted. I was able to do some fun things with others last week and it was wonderful to connect in those big things, but I can see some daily practices I believe Jesus wants me to give more in. ♥️ He is so gracious and faithful to help and strengthen us. I do want to start gratitude journaling again to practice thankfulness and get outside my head. Look for a Joy Journal entry soon, hopefully.

Verse Focus for Coming Week:

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30
Graduation party leftovers ♥️

How about you? How did your week go? Bless you all! 🌿🌟❣️✨🌙🌻🌧️🍎🥦☕️🌳🌱

💜🌿whole person work check in: first week in August 2023 🌿💜


{Introduction here to this series}

For a habit is a delight in itself; poor human nature is conscious of the ease that it is to repeat the doing of anything without effort; and, therefore , the formation of a habit, the gradually lessening sense of effort in a given act, is pleasurable.

Charlotte Mason, Home Education, p. 121

My focus areas:

Spiritual: been really trying to keep up with my YouVersion apps Bible readings with friends. However, I decided I needed a slower soak also, so I began the New Testament this week and wow, it’s been so lovely. Just Jesus’ words. Journaling and meditating on it all. I’m reading a few devotionals and Mary Oliver’s nature poetry has been turning my heart 💜 to my Creator. I’ve been prioritizing spending my quiet time outdoors, too, because it adds so much.

Physical: I was able to get out for a long walk one day and listen to an audiobook. It was wonderful! Hopefully, going again today. I tend to be pretty sedentary, so walks are something I want to make time for. I adjusted my food a lot this week and checked in with my sister each night. I felt very ‘hangry’ at times and journaled etc to help. I’m admittedly seeing a few things that are creeping in that I can’t be moderate in. I will be just taking those out of my diet. I know this seems extreme, but for me, it works. I’m trying something I’m calling BLE Lite (Bright Line Eating), in which I follow the plan closely with a few planned exceptions. I’m definitely easing back in as this program is pretty intense and structured. However, I do think I work better with clear boundaries.

Rezoom: The Powerful Reframe to End-the-Crash-and-Burn Cycle of Food Addiction by Susan Peirce Thompson, p.73
p. 74
Show up for yourself, Amy, by making nourishing, thoughtful meals.

Mental: I’m trying to chose good books to read and journal/narrate/collage about them. Slowing down to create or discuss calms and soothes my anxiety. I participated in a Zoom book discussion on Anthony Trollope’s The Belton Estate. I can get too introverted and find myself “hiding” and I want to challenge myself and grow, not stagnate. I’m rereading a challenging book about home as a ministry and it’s so good. I’ve been taking naps with my 4 yo occasionally and this makes a huge difference physically, mentally, and emotionally.

For the Family’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
Just for fun 🤩- a little tracker with cute symbols! 😄♥️

Emotional: I took off the week from YouTube and it’s been so nice. I’m on a year break from Instagram. I enjoy aspects of social media, but I have to balance these delicately otherwise, I personally find myself anxious, discontent, and not present. Naps, nature, walks, etc all contribute to a more balanced emo 🖤 state for me! 😄 I also did a few creative things this week that filled my cup like collaging, filming book reviews, sending a penpal letter, and writing. I took myself on a coffee date and also picked up a favorite magazine. I want to be careful not to always associate buying things for comfort, because I actually find more genuine peace in the things that cost 💲 NOTHING. However, occasionally, it’s fun to get a special gift. 💝

Servanthood: I won’t be giving a ton of actual real life details here as this is a personal area between me and Jesus, but, I do want to share action steps I want to try. I want to include one or more children in whatever I’m doing around the house, ie – take a child grocery shopping or take walks with kids sometimes, etc. I want to plan some activities to do WITH kids that aren’t work related. The reality of life here with a big family is we are often working together. That’s good, but I also want to do purposeful fun activities occasionally.

Verse Focus for coming week:

…His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.

from 2 Peter 1:3

So, overall, a good week, and I’m hopeful! Planning on checking in next week. Thanks for being here. ❣️❣️❣️ Let me know how you are? Lots of love, Amy 🖤🌲🖤

🌲🌿🖤 whole person work intro 🖤🌿🌲

Summer 🥰♥️🌲🌿🖤

{What is whole person work, Amy? I’m on a quest for balance in life and ordered affections centered in Colossians 3:2. I’d like to share here occasionally for accountability and community. I share here not only to keep myself accountable, but also that it might encourage you, a moment where we join each other in this journey called life. I separated out some of my personal areas of focus, but I’m aware that all these areas flow together and are in relationship with one another. I’m also aware that there are ebbs and flows to life, but for myself, I need things that are purposeful rhythms and practices. There are some life things that can be “by-the-way”, but a balance of rest and rhythm practices work best for me. You are welcome to join me in any way and with your own areas of focus! ♥️🌿♥️}

I’ve been thinking about my past and what I’d love for the future. I had gotten off track in some health and personal rhythms that help me feel strong and able to serve well. ♥️ I was inspired by Half of Carla’s video to really examine where I’m at, not only with my health, but deep in my heart as well. I love her idea of finding the perfect pot of simmering soup that works for us personally. She’s talking specifically in the video about her weight loss maintenance journey , but it got my wheels turning about all of life areas. What’s simmering in YOUR pot, Amy? Honestly, I didn’t like what I saw. For me, it was reverting to unhealthy eating patterns, too much social media, not enough margin in my schedule, and allowing things here at home to stack up. I was finding myself without enough time to spend on the things I love: deep time with Jesus, on relationships, in nature, nourishing my health, and reading good books. It’s a nice idea that we can do everything in a day, but it’s false. We have to be purposefully pursuing what God has for each of us individually.

My Areas of Focus:

Spiritual 🌿🖤~ My Christian faith is extremely important to me. I practice at it by reading The Holy Bible daily, meditating , praying, and journaling over what I’m reading and hearing. I really want to guard this morning time by not letting YouTube creep into it and by getting to bed early enough the night before so I can get up earlier.

Physical 🌿🖤~ I made some drastic changes to my heath right at the end of 2019 and ended up feeling SO much healthier through the support of some wonderful ladies and a program called Bright Line Eating. Since 2022, I’ve struggled with maintaining that and have played around a lot resulting in steps backward. I’ve been working on treating my sleep issues and eczema naturally, also. So, I’ve a plan made for August to get back slowly and reasonably to health. I’m realizing that I work better in very specific boundaries and accountability.

Mental 🌿🖤~ When practices that I know are beneficial go by the wayside or need reordering, sometimes the mental chatter about my “worth” really ramps up. As a Christian, I believe a lot of this is a spiritual battle, but over the years, I’m beginning to be able identify lies vs. gentle truth about myself. One of the things, I feel like that I haven’t done well during the last few years is getting to the roots of why behind some of my destructive behaviors, especially surrounding food. I’m starting to find the anchors that aid me in this journey ~ slow prayer/Bible, journaling, writing, and being in nature. Having a little margin in my life to process everything is extremely important and helpful, too. I’m learning to face what’s bothering me instead of stuffing it down with excessive food or media consumption. I also need to be learning and growing, not stagnating in social media.

Emotional 🌿🖤~ Knowing that my spiritual, physical, and mental health really effect my emotional place is crucial to my whole person work. All things are in relationship and unbalanced living really takes a toll.

Servanthood 🌿🖤~ The giving of myself by listening, serving, and caring for others is hard for me. It’s not natural. I can become a bit TOO “navel-gaze-y” 😆😉 which this post could be in danger of. 😏🤓🤔 However, we have to aim somewhere or we hit nothing. I feel like I’ve been given SO much that I want to grow in giving back to others out of sheer gratitude. That’s why I use the word ‘practice’ a lot. I’m just practicing the things I want to become. Yes, I’ll never be complete, but prayerfully, I’ll move forward a little bit each day with God’s help.

All this to say, I plan on checking in each week here on my ‘whole person’ project. Just for transparency and accountability. I hope you are encouraged and find hope with me! 🌿🌲♥️🖤📚💌🥰☕️🍓🖋️📓☺️🥰 God’s richest blessings! 🖤🌿🌲🖤🌿☕️