
Cos You’re all I have, Lord

You are the Way

And I’ll always love You

And I will wait

Like a Watchman at the gate

Wait for morning to break

~Josh Garrels, “Watchman”

today I have so far…

Olav H. Hauge

Today so far I’ve: read my Bible/journaled while sipping black coffee from my lovely 🥰 pastel thrifted woodland creature mug, read some things I’m studying (more about my DIY Women’s Well Refresh later, hopefully), sent a reminder email for our local mom’s homeschool group, listened to Studio Ghibli soundtracks, took a short walk among the cool morning sunshine while listening to Magyk by Angie Sage audiobook (I’m loving it). I took a shower and dug out a comfy sweatshirt because it’s chilly today, I made myself a breakfast of plain yogurt, banana, cashew butter, cinnamon, and oats! I supervised children doing their maths and found sweatshirts for little kids planting the garden with their 15yo sister. I talked about dyeing things with dye made from dandelions and tried to figure out what to cook for meals today since the stove is getting a little TLC. I sent three older ‘kids’ off to various jobs, one having to borrow my van, because a car battery needed jumping. I talked about drawing books, schedules, and What is Poetry? by Michael Rosen with various family members. My 15 yo and I talked about how we can secretly make my hubby’s favorite mint bars for his upcoming birthday. I helped same child find wrapping paper for her gift. I’ve been praying and finalizing the book discussion, Scriptures, and end of year stuff to share with my mom friends tonight at the last meeting, I ended up dumping potatoes in the Instapot for a baked potato bar lunch. I’ve been listening with (thankfully) an amused heart to a recorder being played upstairs. I’ve been putting books on hold to read aloud and for planning our new home learning year. I’ve been digging into this blog for all her WONDERFUL inspiration and resources. I’ve been listening to this and something is stewing in my heart to share in my next article for Sisters of the Wooden Spoon. I’ve been reevaluating my health and my media usage, setting up accountability for both…

And it’s noon, now. 😁♥️ Time to return to this wonderful life I’ve been gifted, lunch, and the Winnie-the-Pooh audiobook, Pictures of Hollis Woods, On the Banks of Plum Creek, and narrations. I think I’ll cook some sausage on my pancake griddle 🤣 and put taco soup in the crockpot for dinner.

I share this because I’m just SO grateful for life and I love reading about other women’s days. 😄♥️ Bless your Tuesday. I’d love if you’d share below your day! 😍🌿


•fly away•

a swallow tattoo

on this heart

of mine

seasonal swoops

of satisfaction

freedom in a


friend, black-blue


glad you are

back, right on time

my heart sorely

needed an ink-infusion

of set-me-freedom ~

A.M. Pine 🌲

Monday Ponderings {March 4th}


Oh let me be alone, far from eyes and faces,

Let me be alone, a while, even from you;

My soul is like a desert, sick of light-filled spaces,

The urge of useless winds, the sky of pitiless blue;

Let me be alone, a while, in twilit places,

Waiting the merciful night, the stately stars and the dew.

Sara Teasdale, Mirror of the Heart, p. 36

“ever-widening circles” – Rilke

Inspired by 지민

higher than the sky strangers

worlds apart, working on our art

ripples move outward, crisscrossing

your artistry, smiles, emotion,

dedication challenges me

maybe my covid-fueled

“mild-midlife crisis”

fandom can trickle

down into new fuel

for motherhood

for wifedom

and for my purple-tinged,



~A.M Pine 💜🌲💜

The Wood

colorful spines down

the home library’s back

a living being


forest of words

scaled and long-limbed

hint of dangerous beauty

caresses and rustles

through my pine-needled

red hair.

A.M. Pine 🌲