Fells {English Memories}


{Lake District, Cumbria, England, June 2016}

What is it about the English fells that captured my heart and built my faith so much? Perhaps it’s the barrenness of them, or the romantic sentiments attached to them from so many stories I’ve read by English authors? I’m not sure, but something about these hills meant so much to me and I will never forget them. At the risk of sounding overly sentimental (what, not me!?), they burned an indelible mark into my soul. There is something about lifting up my eyes to such hills, those airy, lonely, wilderness retreats that refreshes me, makes me dream, and lifts my heart out of heaviness. I’m so thankful my newer home area has many hills and valleys, making my heart sing, as I dream they are my very own fells.

“Mountains seem to answer an increasing imaginative need in the West. More and more people are discovering a desire for them, and a powerful solace in them. At bottom, mountains, like all wildernesses, challenge our complacent conviction – so easy to lapse into – that the world has been made for humans by humans. Most of us exist for most of the time in worlds which are humanly arranged, themed and controlled. One forgets that there are environments which do not respond to the flick of a switch or the twist of a dial, and which have their own rhythms and orders of existence. Mountains correct this amnesia. By speaking of greater forces than we can possibly invoke, and by confronting us with greater spans of time than we can possibly envisage, mountains refute our excessive trust in the man-made. They pose profound questions about our durability and the importance of our schemes. They induce, I suppose, a modesty in us.”
― Robert Macfarlane (emphasis mine)

Here, here, and here – If you are interested, more about my 2016 England trip.


5 thoughts on “Fells {English Memories}

  1. We loved the Lake District, but we went only once. We lived about 20 miles south of London, so we were familiar with hedgerows. The first house we rented had a good view of the North Downs. I lifted my eyes to the hills all the time, usually asking for patience to deal with three children. Pilgrim’s Way ran along there, and every once in a while we’d walk on the pathway a short distance. I’m so glad you had a chance to go to England. It’s a beautiful country with marvelous people.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh neat! Thank you for sharing that story, Anne, sigh. I only saw hedgerows from a distance as we took at train from the north to the south. I saw them flashing by and then I saw them in the airplane. We saw more of the drystack walls, which you and I have talked about! I’ll have to look up the Pilgrim’s Way! I’m not familiar with that! ❤


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