Monday Ponderings {May 25th}


…’ it is only as we live in the ideals,’ says Bishop Wescott, ‘ that sameness of work does not become monotony of life. We cannot escape sameness of work if we wish to effect anything. The greatest achievement evolves itself out of endless petty and unnoticeable details; but, thank God, we need none of us suffer from that last dreariness, monotony of life. One thought of God, one glimpse of our ideal, and we go to work with renewed impulse and quickened powers, remembering that all the power of Christ is behind every scourge of small cords with which we would cleanse the defilement of our own hearts or of the world.

~ Charlotte Mason

Scale Howe Meditations, p. 88

Bold emphasis mine

{Thinking on obedience to our work, our callings,  and our stewardship here on this earth lately. A few of those things for me is obedience to the work of writing, my work as a mother, and my work as a lover and servant of God. Have you thought of your life as a work of obedience out of love?}



7 thoughts on “Monday Ponderings {May 25th}

  1. Thank you for this beautiful quote, Amy. And for your fiat. I relate to the transforming power of the “one thought of God, one glimpse of our ideal” upon “the last dreariness.” Every little thing is elevated and every hidden faith filled effort goes into the earth clad glimpses of glory followed by the Far glory.

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  2. Thank for this meditation today, Amy. Your heart is aglow here. I like the hymn “Make me a Blessing.” As we get into the simple verses it even asks “in the midst of my depression” (and dullness or monotony too I assume.) I find this convicting and a motivation to let Jesus shine. Love grows as we use it up. And ask for more.

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