Thanksgiving Eve {One Hundred Bits of Gratitude by Thanksgiving 2019} #7


Gratitude spilling over for these today:

61. playing ‘peek a boo” with 5 yo and “Tom” who is thawing in frig, “Gobble, gobble!” (our celebration with my side is on Saturday)

62.  my washing machine and dryer
63. an extra crock-pot my husband bought last year at a garage sale for .50 cents, it works great
64. hot coffee swirling with cream
65. 14 yo asking to listen to folksongs
66. son in comfy chair near window, sun shining in on him, reading
67. magnet toys and Schleich animals bring hours of fun play
68. talking of making a fabric bunting for Christmas tree with my 10yo
69. sitting with husband in deer fort while he hunts, quiet and gorgeous sunset
70. 10 yo playing Bird Bingo with 5 yo early in the morning
What’s on your list today?

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